Crosswire 3. 25/02/17'

Ezra Eeman
2 min readFeb 24, 2017


Carnival is coming up, a period of madness. So I’m happy to bring some clarity (or even more confusion) with a batch of new links that cross the boundaries of media.


BBC iPlayer gets more personal. — BBC Mediacentre

BBC iPlayer is about to become more personal for connected TV viewers. People who sign-in to their BBC account on connected TVs will start to benefit from a growing number of personalised features such as the ability to resume watching an episode or series started on another device.


Amazon Alexa hits 10,000 skills. Now comes the hard part — Wired

Today, there are 10,000 skills available on Alexa. It’s an exponential increase since last summer, a rise that presents a host of new opportunities — and new challenges.


Facebook is approaching German publishers for Fake News partnerships…but meet resistance. — Spiegel

German article about the resistance of publishers in Germany against the proposed partnership of Facebook to fight Fake News.

News in Crisis. — Wired

An ongoing series of articles in Wired about the changing state of news media.


Snapchat’s IPO Presentation. — Snapchat

Snapchat is debuting on Wall Street. If you consider buying shares you better have a look at their IPO presentation. But it’s also a good read for anyone interested in Snapchat’s business & media model.

Facebook and Snapchat: metrics versus creation. — Ben Evans

Interesting analysis pointing out the differences between Facebook and Snapchat. One, pretty obviously, is that it’s a swing of a pendulum away from order and control towards fun and chaos. Another, that it’s a swing from passive consumption (‘I’m bored — what’s in the newsfeed?’) to creation (hence opening the app into the camera).


Knight Center’s free online course: Intro to Immersive Journalism. — Knight Center

A great free Mooc. In five weeks, you will learn how to prepare your first virtual reality and 360 video production.


Google’s new AI aims to end abusive online comments. — Perspective

Google launches ‘Perspective’ an API that makes it easier to host better conversations. The API uses machine learning models to score the perceived impact a comment might have on a conversation.

Amazon launches a new blog about their AI services. — Amazon

On this new AWS blog, Amazon will be covering visual perception, speech recognition, decision making, or translation AI with in-depth technical content, customer stories, and new feature announcements.


Always wanted to know what’s the secret of great storytelling? Take this free ecourse from Pixar.



Ezra Eeman
Ezra Eeman

Written by Ezra Eeman

EBU Head of Digital, Transformation, and Platforms.

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